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National Clean Up Your Desk Day: How Daysmart Spa Can Keep You Organized!

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National clean up your desk day is upon us? What spa ideas do you have to stay organized and productive this year? Every year we tend to pile more paperwork and unnecessary items on our desks in an effort to make ourselves more efficient.

However, there is nothing productive about chaos and disorganization. It’s time to start the New Year off right and turn that messy reception desk into a tidy center of productivity.

What Is National Clean Up Your Desk Day?

National Clean Up Your Desk Day is a holiday held on the second Monday of January every year and falls on January 14th in 2019. By inspiring you with these spa ideas to begin the New Year with a clean, neat, and organized workspace, it ensures you’ll start the New Year off right.

You’ll find that you’re much more efficient and productive, and much less frustrated with the business of trying to find things amongst any clutter.

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Spa Ideas To Observe National Clean Up Your Desk Day

It’s easy to observe this holiday with these spa ideas we have suggested for you. There are no gifts to buy, and no big meals to cook. Instead, all you need to do is declutter and clean. Sure, it sounds tedious, but you’ll be thrilled with the feeling that an organized work space can give you.

If you’re looking for ways to observe the holiday, here are a few ideas to keep you busy:

Clear Your Desk â€“ Take everything off your desk and set it aside. Organizing three piles, one for keeping, one for tossing, and one for filing will make the job easier.

Wipe Your Workspace â€“ Take a sanitizing wipe or cleaner on a cloth and wipe down your desk and work area. Be sure to clean any drawers inside and out, along with any equipment including your telephone.

Scan Your Documents â€“ Sort through your papers and scan the ones you need to keep. Then upload them onto your computer, and trash the paper copy. You’ll find they’re much easier to find when you have them sorted into folders on your computer.

Tidy Your Computer Desktop â€“ This holiday isn’t just about your physical desktop. It’s about your digital one too. Take some time to clean up any clutter on your PC or laptop desktop.

Empty Your Inbox â€“ Why not take a few extra minutes to organize your emails? Sort them into folders and delete anything older than thirty days, if it’s spam or unnecessary spam or junk mail that’s just taking up space.

Maximize Your Social Media â€“ Get more bang for your buck by advertising your business while observing this holiday. Post on your social media accounts with pictures of your newly organized desktop using the hashtag #CleanOffYourDeskDay.

Set Up Spa Management Software â€“ It’s time to go paperless with Daysmart Spa Software. Set it all up and let it help you organize your spa. Once you set everything up in the system, you’ll be able to keep your workspace clean year round.

Why Cleaning Up Your Desktop Is Essential To Your Spa Success

Let’s face it. First impressions are important. The first thing a new client sees in your spa is your reception desk. It has to look good and project a professional image in order to meet their expectations, and it’s important to keep it clean and clutter free. Customers won’t care about a spa that doesn’t care about cleanliness, so it’s essential to make sure the first thing they see is spotless and organized.

Keeping your spa reception desk clean will go a long way when it comes to retaining your existing clientele and attracting new customers. You’ll find that your business runs much more smoothly when you’re more organized, and you’ll have more time to focus on your clients.

spa desk

How Daysmart Spa Software Can Help Keep You Organized

It’s time to get rid of the old paper and pen solution and switch to using Daysmart Spa Iris software to help clean your desk. You’ll be more organized, you won’t have a paper trail to chase, and you’ll have the freedom to put your energy into taking care of your clients. With Daysmart Spa software you can keep track of everything from inventory, to appointments, to time management, and employee workflow, and so much more.

It’s time to throw that scheduling book away. There’s no more searching for paper, pens, or prices when you put Daysmart Spa on the job. Get rid of that overwhelming mountain of paperwork and opt for the simplicity our software provides. You’ll see your productivity increase with the ability to generate and view all kinds of reports at your fingertips.

Jumpstart your business and show your clients that you have high cleanliness standards. Our software makes it easier to focus on the tasks at hand instead of getting distracted by overwhelming and outdated stacks of paperwork. It’s time to make customers your focus instead of all of the clutter that accumulates on your desktop.

Don’t Delay – Prepare For National Clean Up Your Desk Day

Procrastinating might buy you time, but if you want to really celebrate National Clean Up Your Desk Day, you need to prepare ahead of time. Have all of your cleaning products on hand and get your Daysmart Spa Software ready. Then when January 14th rolls around, you’ll be able to hit the ground running with each of these spa ideas and get your spa off to the best start possible.

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