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Jumpstart January with the Latest Pet Technology

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Are you ready to jumpstart the first month of the new year with new pet technology innovations? The use of technology is expanding very fast. It is being more and more integrated into the daily lives of average Americans. Almost 90% of all Americans use the Internet and 77% own a smartphone.

As you can see, technology use has become standard in our world today. It makes sense that innovators are developing new technologies for our furry friends. For many pet owners, their pets are family members. The market for innovative pet technology products is strong. With so many pet owners using technology at home, they expect a well-run pet business to be up-to-date also.

Let’s take a quick look at some new pet tech products. Then we’ll look at new grooming technology that may be helpful for your business.

Pet Technology Expansion

Pet technology has exploded over the past few years. Take a look around, there are innovative products everywhere. If you have several pets, you may wish to ensure they can’t eat each other’s food. You can buy a special bowl for this. Fill the bowl with food and shut the lid. Then, through use of an infrared tag on your pet’s collar, it will open only when that pet is near.

For a chubby pet, you may wish to keep track of his food intake. You can buy a pet bowl that will sync to your smartphone. Enter the brand of pet food. Now the bowl keeps track of the ingredients and how many calories your pet ate.

For that same chubby pet, you can get a pet door with a built-in conveyor belt. If he can’t get through the door on his own, you don’t have to go running to help him. You can get cameras and other technology set up so you can see and talk to your pet when you’re at work. You can even get a robotic pet sitter. You can interact and play with your dog from anywhere with an Internet connection!

Pet Technology

With the average pet owner getting so tech-savvy, you can’t get left behind. Owners will expect their groomers to be using sophisticated grooming technology.

After all, they can play with Fido while they’re at work. That means they’ll expect their groomer to be well into the 21st Century.

There is one caveat here, not everything has to be super high-tech. Advanced grooming technology can take over some things. But there will always be room in the grooming business for a pair of scissors and a good comb.

new elo with iccp

Pet Software

One of the most important pieces of grooming technology you should have is software. The right grooming software will make running your business a breeze.

If you’re in the grooming business, chances are you like animals and working with your hands. You’re not too interested in spending hours poring over appointment books. It’s complicated to keep track of client databases, payments, and appointments by hand. Plus, it takes a lot of time. We’re sure you could be putting that time to better use.

Here are a few things you should look for in a good grooming software:


Scheduling is one of the basic options a good grooming software should offer. Being able to manage appointments in the cloud is so convenient. You can see all schedules for each of your staff members at the touch of a button. Plus, it’s easy to keep everyone in the know even from different locations.

Online Booking

Online booking is so handy. Once you get it set up, clients can book anytime, day or night! This convenience is important for many tech-savvy pet owners. Not restricting them to daytime hours for booking is a lifesaver for many.


Client Records

Even if you own a small grooming business, keeping client records by hand is difficult. An easy-to-use database where you can keep client information is invaluable. You can use this information to wow your customers with excellent customer service. Individual pets have different preferences for how the groomer handles them. Clients always feel well taken care of when the groomer remembers how to handle their pet.

Mobile Apps

The ability to use mobile apps is indispensable these days. At the end of 2016 mobile internet use overtook desktop use. Your clients want the convenience of accessing information from their phones. Be sure that your software includes mobile apps to keep up with your competition.

Appointment Reminders

Sending out appointment reminders is also an invaluable tool. It helps cut down on missed appointments, saving you time in the long run. But the act of sending out appointment reminders by hand takes time and you have to remember to do it. Good grooming software will let you send either email or text message reminders.

appointment reminders

Security and Room Cameras

There is another fantastic innovation in grooming technology that you should consider. Security and grooming room cameras. Security cameras are always a good idea for any small business. You never know when one will come in handy.

Grooming room cameras are an excellent way to provide your customers peace of mind. Pet owners can view what’s going on with their pet. This is a great way to calm an anxious owner. The cameras also protect you against lawsuits. If an owner accuses you of mishandling their precious pet, the camera offers proof. And vice versa is also true. If a pet injures you during grooming, you can show what happened.

Some business owners may feel that this is over the top. But it boils down to what you feel is right for your business. If you don’t want to allow owners access to the footage you don’t have to. In some instances, like in case of injuries, it is so much better to be safe than sorry.

Choose the Right Pet Technology

Decide what grooming technology is right for your business and incorporate it! If you are in the market for good pet software be sure to check us out. Our software incorporates all the features we’ve mentioned here and then some. It is the perfect tool for managing your grooming business.

Still not sure? How about trying out our no-obligation free trial? Try it out today and learn how easy it is to use. You’ll never go back to pen and paper methods again!

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